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"St. George South is the Heartland of Barbados".

It is the perfect blend of a rural farming community with increasing urbanization through the expansion of housing developments. Both old and new communities exist side by side in a place where traditional values still prevail. People still pass down the road and “speak” politely, churches still offer the greatest source of fellowship and connectedness, and the youth have not lost their sense of optimism

Yet challenges beset this proud collection of communities comprising St. George South. Promises made have not been followed up and the hope that the home grown politician elected in 2008 would have made a difference was not  disappointing but tragic. An increasing sense of cynicism began to set in about the role of the “politician,” political parties and participation in the electoral process.


Dwight candidacy and his proud record of accomplishments has gone a long way towards restoring hope in the fact that home grown means home drums beat first.

​Dwight has developed an innate understanding of people’s concerns – many of them are after all - his own. He is not a career politician so he is capable of taking a balanced view. He is well aware of the needs of the community and has lived through representation of St. George South since 1969.


He understands how not having a road can be stress, particularly getting in and out when it rains. He knows that the lack of roads also means wear and tear on shoes, and vehicles; and that property values are affected. He feels the frustration of friends and family who have placed their names on a list for housing without success year after year. He knows that insufficient attention has been placed on making land and housing available for persons with low incomes. He grew up in a “low income” home and he knows that low income does not equate to low expectations. He believes that all Barbadians make a contribution to development and should be entitled to meet their aspirations for themselves and their families. 


Dwight, like many, holds a job, pays a mortgage, and works with his wife to provide for his family. In the years he has served as MP he has proven that you can serve in Parliament and carry national responsibility but your primary goal as an MP must not be for self-aggrandizement or public fame but to ensure every member of the community can be impacted by the work that you do. He is accessible and “Dwight” is on the lips of all in the community because he is visible, available and working EVERY SINGLE DAY in the community. He was elected in 2013 and he has never stopped house-to-house work, community action, and his greatest joy is being able to say that he does not just turn up for elections but he is always there!   

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