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The Sutherland "Difference"

Why Dwight

​​The difference between Dwight's candidacy and all others is that it is propelled by the people – not selected by a party – not self appointed – but responsive. As many now recognize it takes real substance and commitment to meet the expectations of the St. George South community . Being from St. George South or working in St. George South is simply not enough – having the skills, discipline and personal commitment to achieving results is where its really at for people.


Dwight comes not to stress his credentials but his sincere commitment to making the sacrifices

necessary to always be of service to the community. Credentials demonstrate academic

aptitude and his academic preparation is important. However, for Dwight what is more

important is an attitude of humility and an unswerving selfless commitment to delivering

service, which responds in a timely way to real needs. There has long been a call for a person

truly of the people to emerge from St George, and after reflection, consultation with his family,

and prayer, Dwight decided to respond to this call.

The"Dwight Sutherland" Difference

​​The difference between Dwight and all other people and parties seeking to represent SGS is that his entry into politics was propelled by the people – not selected by a party – not self appointed – but responsive.  Dwight came forward as a direct response to the lack of interest and representation of the former DLP representative who had won on a swing in 2008. So much was there interest in him being the representative that Dwight had the largest nomination election in the history of the BLP. And he would go on to later  his seat decisively overturning a large majority and piling on on hundreds of more vote to effect one of the largest majority wins in 2013. As many now recognize it takes real substance and commitment to meet the expectations of the St. George South community . Being from St. George South or working in St. George South is simply not enough – having the skills, discipline and personal commitment to achieving results is where its really at for people.

Dwight has a reputation for being the most active MP in the House of Representatives. Here are just a FEW of his programmes for the Community



  • St. George South Constituency is a Resource Center offering computer access and free wifi access to any one who needs it. Many school projects are typed and printed for families in need of help.

  • Free Lessons for 11+ Students – by an experienced retired Class Four Teacher

  • Reading Club  - for three years running a Saturday morning respite for parents and children to become active readers

  • Summer camp was held at office run by community leaders for children in the Mount Hill and Ellerton areas.

  • Spelling Bee for Schools, Ellerton Primary, St. Luke’s Brighton Primary, Blackman and  Gollop Primary, St. Jude’s Primary and St. George Primary  - now in its second years and the prizes include trophies and book prizes and for the first year a cash prize for the top two schools in the finals

  • Motivation Talks to 11+ exams

  • Graduation – every single graduate in 5 schools get a Geometry set to foster their interest in maths his subject! Schools receive monetary donations and other prizes for Graduation. He has been the feature speaker for both Ellerton Primary School and Workman’s Primary.

  • Maintain St. Luke’s Primary surroundings

  • Sponsored Back to School Bus tour for Buttals students in partnership with community leaders.

  • Think Click Surf project – a project to bring awareness to school children about being secure online, not taking risks, and not cyber bullying – in partnership with the Caribbean Cyber Security Center.

  • Back-to-School Project – In partnership with the Eden Lodge Youth Charitable Trust distributed 50 vouchers for school clothes and books to assist parents.

  • School Bags – In partnership with a (LEAH knows name) a US based charity, distributed 800 school bags and supplies to children in both St. George North and St. George South  




  • Rondell “Crash” Pollard Memorial Football Competition – running 6 years straight with teams now from across Barbados but primarily St. George South community.

  • Dwight Sutherland 20/20 Cricket Competition – starting around March annually for 5 years, it involves community  and church teams and is played across the four grounds Ellerton, Greens and Drax Hall. Boarded Hall has been under maintenance for the past year. Seventh Day Adventist Church Team was the 2017 winners.

  • Lower Brighton and Buttals Community Road Tennis Competition 2012, 2015, 2017

  • Netball Tournament 2014

  • Secured major sponsorship by Crane and Equipment Ltd for Ellerton United Football and secured sponsorship for the Greens Footbal Club for the 2018 BFA football season.

  • Supported the Greens Cricket team in the BCL and Malvern in the BCA 

  • Provided balls for the Green Cricket team



Entertainment and Culture

  • Children’s Christmas party 2016 was a big hit at Ellerton with Dwight proving he can really do great barbeque and in 2017 it will be bigger and better!

  • Karaoke Competition involving Bars and Shops in St. George South – for 3 years running a high point of the community calendar that brings our words of singers and showcases talent within the community and promotes participating shops.

  • Birthday Card project – Thousands of cards are sent annually by Dwight to each and every constituent to celebrate with them.

  • Centenarian Celebrations – The  Governor General comes once (which is a real honour!)  but Dwight comes every year and bearing fruit on the birthday of centenarians. St. George currently has 2 persons over 100 years old but at one year he had 5 persons. He has a special place in his heart for Sister Hortence Rock, who rung his ears when he was naughty and was his Sunday School Teach at the Ellerton Pilgrim Holiness now Ellerton Wesleyan.

  • Elderly visits and celebration with couples married 50 years and older – he values the institution of marriage and as long as he know of a long standing marriage anniversary he makes his where there. He also is known for sitting and spending time with the Elderly listening and learning . He actually loves it haven grown up in a household with the extended family (grandparents) rearing him as backstops to his wonderful parents.

  • Dash Valley Independence Fun fair – for the past five years has obtained the music permits and provided the jumping tent which

  • BLP picnic  - provide buses for the entire constituency to attend this favourite family event and usually has at least 8 buses making SGS one of the largest contingents in attendance.  

  • Reggae on the Hill – Dwight take at least 10 youngsters to the event, spend time with them and ensure they return safely home

  • Attends the finals of the Parish Ambassadors to show his support



  • Health Fair at Ellerton 2012, Greens 2014 and Bydes Mill 2018

  • Wheelchair Project - Donated four new wheel chairs to the disabled, elderly and shut-in to help families to get out.

  • Christmas Hampers – distributed 1250 food hampers over the past five years

  • Food Vouchers  - in association with Eden Lodge Youth Charitable Trust distributed 60 Food vouchers over three years for Christmas to supplement Hamper.

  • Assist with getting persons to access medical treatment where cost was prohibitive

  • Hospital Visits – a staple in his representation to ensure that people have support when they need it most



Environment & Safety

  • Ongoing Debushing of schools, communities such St. Lukes Brighton Primary, Ellerton Primary, Bydes Mill, Turn Pike, Mount Hill, Farm Road and Good Intent  and many more as requested by residents.

  • Maintains Ellerton Housing Area Green

  • Installed Traffic Mirrors at Ellerton Corner and Byde Mill

  • Covered an open well at Frenches next to Melverton Christian Mission Church.

  • Responds to requests for assistance to resolve issues and conflict between neighbours and families



Operations Response – community self help

Dwight has a group of civic minded residents and local businesses who give back to persons in need in the community.

  • Digging wells for residents to assist with obtaining indoor toilet facilities

  • Rebuilt an elderly man’s home in First Step St. George

  • Minor Repairs to rhomes 

  • Responding to weather emergencies

  • Supporting persons affected by catastrophic fires by getting them emergency housing, clothes and a place to stay while they rebuild.


Personal Representation and Community Advocacy

  • Letters of Reference for jobs or educational purposes

  • Letters for individuals to have criminal convictions expunged so they can make a decent living – three successful cases to date

  • Letters to assist with visa applications

  • Letters to NIS for pensioners

  • Assisting persons with Immigrant status to obtain permanent residency – three successful cases to date.

  • Intervene in employment matters on behalf of constituents

  • Resolves transport issues - Dwight is praised for the bus which goes through Middleton as in the past persons had to walk long distances, Dwight did visits with Operations Manager Mr. Mabir and persuaded the Board to bring the buses.

  • Addressed Drainage issues in Byde Mill

  • Advocated for the completion of the road at Brighton/Halton by way of petitioning MTW

  • Did a petition on behalf of residents of Woodland to address water challenges

  • Advocated with BLP for Street Lights to be fixed or installed across the constituency.


Legal Aid Clinic by qualified Lawyers

  • Free consultations

  • Wills

  • Land Matters

  • Maintenance

  • Settling family disputes

  • Seeking forbearance by banks for persons in debt





  • Dwight actively attends Church with constituents, participates in church events, and  support/ sponsors activities. Dwight has purchased 300 hundred of tickets for St. Lukes Fair to distribute to residents in Bydes Mill, Melverton, Winsor and  Frenches so that children can attend the fair.   Large and small each church in St. George is important to him as in he grew up opposite Ellerton Pilgrim Holiness, and his  grandmother Justine Sutherland was an Evangelist with The Farm Road Pentecostal Church and his grandfather  Stephen Sutherland has been recognized internationally for having co-founded the Ellerton Gospel Hall - so three sets of Church!


  • Funerals – Dwight makes a point to attend funerals to give families support and to acknowledge the contribution that the dear departed made to his family and community. Whether in and out of St. George – large or small - Dwight make an effort to attend. And people know, where he is close to the family, Dwight will visit at homes and seek to bring consolation.

  • Community Crisis – over the years SGS has been impacted by a number of events that shocked families and the community. Unexpected deaths, shootings, murders, fire, fatal accidents – Dwight is usually there within minutes or hours. Long after the cameras are gone Dwight continues to support families to rebuild and he has relied on pastors of Ellerton Wesleyan his home church to assist with counselling where his own skills are inadequate. He stays to help people rebuild their shattered lives and much of his personal reflection is asking God to give him the strength to deal with these situations – which unfortunately to him - are too many.

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