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Our Covenant of Hope




We, the Barbados Labour Party, are the oldest political party in the English-speaking Caribbean. We have transformed this country into the modern, democratic and socially just society that is admired and respected worldwide.



We are the Party that

delivered to all Barbadians, universal adult suffrage – the right to vote - which is the cornerstone of our democracy.


We are the Party that

transformed Barbados from a society in which the majority enjoyed very limited rights, to the land owning democracy that our citizens so value today.


We are the Party that

initiated mass-based access to high quality health care, education and access to housing and land. We are the Party that laid the infrastructure of modern Barbados - with airport, seaport, major highways, improved road networks and international telecommunication systems - that allowed us, as a small country, to compete with the rest of the world.


We are the Party that

has always protected the poor and vulnerable. We revolutionised Barbados’ industrial relations by fighting to protect workers, founding the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) and enacting legislation which gave rights and benefits to all levels of workers.


We are the Party that

created the social and economic environment that led to the expansion of the middle class, exemplified by the Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act which gave tens of thousands of Barbadians the right to own land.

We are the Party that

led the transformation of Barbados from an agrarian society to a modern services-driven economy, more recently exemplified with the establishment of the international business sector.


As a result of our vision and initiatives, Barbados reached the enviable position as one of the world’s leading small island states, renowned for its political stability, progressive social policies, protected environment and high levels of human development. Past and present members of the





Link to the official Covenant of Hope  online version

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